
Saturday, June 28, 2014

SUBHANALLAH!! Misteri Keindahan Sungai Tanpa Hulu..

Sungai ini yang dikelilingi dengan pokok kelapa dan mempunyai air yang jernih dan berwarna biru membuatnya kelihatan seperti syurga sungai di Filipina. Tapi sungai yang mempunyai nama Hinatuan ini yang membelah pulau Mindanao dan juga kedua terbesar di bahagian selatan wilayah Filipina ini tidak mempunyai sumber air yang tidak diketahui puncanya.


Bahkan menurut beberapa cerita yang beredar dikalangan masyarakat setempat, terkadang pada musim-musim tertentu akan terdapat begitu banyak sekali ikan, kadang-kadang tidak ada ikan sama sekali.


Sebenarnya semua sungai mempunyai dasar atau hulu. Tertapi berdasarkan besarnya mulut gua yang besar tersebut yang terus menuju kedalam bumi, dasar sungai tersebut bahkan tidak boleh dilihat. Bahkan para penyelam pernah melakukan kajian untuk mencari dasar sungai, tapi semakin kedalam para penyelam tersebut menemui beberapa gua lagi yang makin kecil dan sempit. Inilah dasar yang menjadikan sungai tersebut dinamakan sungai tanpa dasar atau tidak mempunyai hulu.


Kerana berdekatannya dengan laut, beberapa orang percaya sungai ini terbentuk ketika air laut mengalir melalui terowong panjang dan gua-gua yang dalam ke bawah tanah yang akhirnya muncul ke permukaan ketika musim bunga. Ditempat ini juga dijadikan para pengunjung untuk berlatih berenang.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


1.Sinar-XPertama(1895):Röntgen's  wifehand

Pada 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, profesor fizik dari Universiti Wurburg di Jerman telah menerima Hadiah Nobel dalam bidang Fizik pada tahun 1901 kerana penemuan sinar-x beliau.

2.Pencakar     Langit Pertama          (1885):Bangunan       Insurans         Nyawa Di         Chicago

Ketinggiannya 42 meter di rekodkan pada 1885 di Chicago, Illinois dan dan kemudian diubahsuai semula pada 1931. Gedung ini ialah bangunan untuk Home Insurance Building yang mempunyai 10 tingkat.

3.Web  Server Dan     Web     Site      Pertama          (1990):a          NeXT   computer        at         CERN adalah alamat website dan web server pertama di dunia. Berjalan menggunakan NeXT computer at CERN. Alamat web lengkap yang pertama kali adalah yang diperkenalkan dan dibuat oleh Tim Berners-Lee.

4.Photografi   Pertama          (1826):"View   from    the       Window          at         Le        Gras"

Berabad-abad kemajuan dalam kimia dan optik, termasuk penemuan kamera obscura, menjadikannya pelopor untuk foto pertama di dunia. Pada tahun 1826, ilmuwan Perancis Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, mengambil foto itu, berjudul "View from the Window at Le Gras" di rumah keluarganya.

5.Karya            Novel  Pertama          (1007):Tale     of         Genji

Lebih dari beribu2 tahun-tahun yang lalu lebih kurang 1007M novel yang berjudul Tale of Genji mengisahkan cerita seorang lelaki yang sedang mencari cinta dan banyak kali dia bertemu wanita di sepanjang jalan. Ditulis oleh orang Jepun yang bernama Murasaki Shikibu.

6.MP3  Player  Pertama(1998):MPMan          32MB

DI lancarkan pada tahun 1998, MP3 Player Pertama Di Dunia, terdiri dari 32MB dan 64MB. Harganya pula ialah $69.

7.Komputer    'Mouse'           Pertama(1964):by       Douglas          Engelbart

Mouse pertama didunia di cipta oleh Douglas Engelbart pada 1964, terdiri darpada dua sliding wheel dan dibuat daripada kayu.

8.Majalah      Pertama          Di         Dunia(1731):The        Gentleman's   Magazine

The Gentleman's Magazine diterbitkan pada 1731, di London, dan dianggap sudah menjadi majalah pertama. Edward Cave yang bertanggungjawab dalam suntingan The Gentleman's Magazine.
9.Kereta        Berkonsep      Pertama          Di         Dunia(1938):Buick     Y-Job

Dirancang pada tahun 1938 oleh perancang terkenal General Motors Harley Earl, Buick Y-Job dan dianggap oleh sebagian besar menjadi kereta berkonsep pertama. Kereta itu mempunyai lampu tersembunyi yang dapat dioperasikan, "gunsight" ornamen kap, bumper pelindung, digunakan oleh Buick sampai tahun 1950-an.
10.Cover         Album Pertama          Di         Dunia(1938):Smash   Song   Hits     by        Rodgers          and      Hart

Direka oleh Alex Steinweiss, seorang pereka yang berumur 23 tahun telah mencipta album cover ini pada 1938 untuk Piring Hitam Columbia. Album ini berjuful Smash Song Hits by Rodgers and Hart.
11.Microprosesor      Pertama          Di         Dunia  (1971):Intel     4004

Pada November 1971, Syarikat Intel menghasilkan micro prosessor pertama, Intel 4004 (U.S. Patent #3,821,715), diciptakan oleh Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff,dan           Stan     Mazor.
12.Kamera      Digital Pertama          Di         Dunia(1975):Created by        Kodak's          engineer         Steve            Sasson

December 1975, Engineer Kodak, Steve Sasson mencipta kamera digital ini. Berukuran pembakar roti dan resolusi 100×100 - atau 0.01 megapixels.
13.Teka-Teki  Silang Pertama          di         Dunia

Pada tahun 1913, Arthur Wynne memiliki pekerjaan menyusun halaman teka-teki mingguan untuk Fun, sebahagian dari komik halaman dari New York World, sebuah akhbar utama waktu itu.
14.Laptop       Pertama          Di         dunia

Laptop pertama di dunia yang dibuat adalah laptop buatan Toshiba yang di cipta pada tahun 1985. Laptop ini mempunyai memory 256KB RAM, mempunyai keybord QWERTZ (tidak seperti keybord sekarang QWERTY) , processor menggunakan Intel 4.77MHz dan beratnya 4.1 kg (cukup berat juga). Untuk harga laptop itu sendiri adalah $1899. Mempunyai floppy disks tetapi tidak menggunakan hard drive.
15.Kasut         Roda   Pertama          Di         Dunia

Kasut roda yang dikatakan dicipta pada 1897 ini adalah contoh aneh 'Road Rollers', yang sangat popular dengan pengusaha London pada zaman Victoria yang meluncur ke tempat kerja memakainya. Setiap pemakai kasut dengan dua roda yang tinggi, ditempatkan satu di depan dan satu di belakang dan pengguna mahir boleh mencapai kelajuan sehingga 16mph di sepanjang permukaan yang halus. Mereka diikatkan ke kaki si pemakai dengan tali dipasang ke kaki dengan potongan kayu kuning, dan beratnya lebih dari £ 40 masing-masing. Kasut ini dijual di London oleh the Road Skate Co of Oxford Street selepas penemuan mereka pada tahun 1897, dan diiklankan sebagai 'ankle-friendly'. Para ahli percaya bahawa kasut ini direka selepas ramai penggemarnya dari pertengahan tahun 1890-an.
16.Bangunan   Motel   Pertama          Di         Dunia(1925):Motel     Inn

Motel Inn di San Luis Obispo, California, motel pertama di dunia. Dibangunkan pada 1925 oleh arkitek LA, Arthur Heineman. Motel Inn diberi nama Milestone Mo-Tel. Kos untuk satu malam adalah $1.25 dan masih beroperasi sehingga saat ini.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Uniquely Deadly Animals in the World

1. Boomslang


The Boomslang is a snake that is primarily found in the South African area, but has been known to make its rounds throughout the African continent. It is one of the deadliest snakes in the world for a couple of reasons.


As you can see from the pic above, the fangs on this guy are big, and this is uncommon among the Boomslang's species. The eyes are also interesting. In fact, they have better eyesight than most snakes. Some say its eyesight is as good as a normal human being.


As most people know, snakes don't typically have the best eyesight. The Boomslang breaks that trend in a major way. They have been known to pick birds right out of the air due to their tremendous sight.


A human has no chance of escaping a bite if the Boomslang chooses to attack them. They usually don't go after humans, but will when threatened. Many of them are green and brown, so they blend in well with the wooded environment in which they thrive.


Boomslangs contain a Hemotoxin venom that, when injected, can kill within hours. A person will literally bleed from the inside out. You will bleed from every hole in the body. You'll even bleed from the ears, eyes, and penis/vagina.


The deadliest part of the whole thing is that the only place in South Africa that has the Antivenom is Johannesburg. So, if you're out in the bush when you get attacked, you may not make it to the hospital in time. Obviously, the smaller you are, the quicker it'll kill.


If you don't get treatment quickly, you'll start to wish you did, so don't play around with this. The average time for the poison to kill is a mere two hours. However, the longer you wait, the greater the risk for long term damage.

2. Cone Snail


The Cone Snail is one of those animals that no one thinks about, but it is as deadly as it gets. Usually, one may not even realize they are handling a Cone Snail because the first thing you see is their beautiful shell. The snail underneath is an afterthought, but a deadly one.


Shell collectors end up picking one up and the snail's harpoon will stick into the person. What happens next depends on the Cone Snail. Each one has a different poison. The deadly ones have a Neurotoxin that will temporarily paralyze you. Then your body will start to shut down. You will also develop severe respiratory problems. This could be the worst part of it.


The Cone Snail has something called a Conotoxin.


There is no cure for what the Cone Snail puts in your system. Sometimes full blood transfusions are necessary to get rid of the poison.


The way to survive the attack initially, before help arrives, is to make sure you alert someone as quickly as possible by calling 911. You should also make sure that CPR is performed. If CPR is administered, chances are there will be enough time to save the person's life. If not, they risk dying.

3. Hippopotamus


The Hippo is portrayed in pop culture as a slow, dim-witted animal. They have also been dubbed fun loving and peaceful.


While they are usually peaceful creatures, these 9,000 pound animals are also very territorial. They kill more humans on average each year than all African animals combined. This is a massive statistic when you think about it.


This animal has the potential to kill at any time, and people should take massive notice. The tour guides in the area know the signs of a Hippo that is miffed at them. They will give clues. However, novices won't pick up on them, and those are the people that die.


They are territorial animals that simply want to be left alone and given their space. If you do neither, you will pay with your life. Hippos cannot swim, which is one interesting fact about them. But when they chase you, they will basically run underwater, and they can move around 5 mph. This can be faster than you think. They also don't tire easy, so you better have good cardio to outswim one. When they get you, you will die. There is not even a doubt. It's rare when the Hippo stops early. They make sure you're dead so you don't come back. This is why they are naturally deadly.


The best thing to do is watch the Hippo from a safe distance. In doing so, the Hippo won't see you as an issue. The closer you get, the closer you are to death.


4. Poison Dart Frog


The Poison Dart Frogs are known for their beautiful colors. The Dart Frogs are some of the most beautiful creatures you will ever see, and it's a shame that they are so pretty. People would love to handle them, but should not without proper safety gear.


Dart Frogs have poisonous skin, which can be a big risk. Their secretions are also poisonous. This is how they keep themselves from becoming prey.


The Frog got its name for literal reasons. Tribes have used it to make poison darts/arrows for hundreds of years. It became a household usage, if you will, for tribes in the area.


It's unique in the fact that its skin and secretion is untouchable. However, not all poison dart frogs will kill humans with their poison. Only three are that deadly.


Usually, poison dart frogs won't kill you from a simple touch right away, but you can feel really sick. The poison will mostly cause sickness because it's technically not going into the blood when you touch it, but it is going into the skin.


Your skin acts as a filter between the poison and blood. So obviously some does get in, but not to an extreme level like with an open cut. Some with minor poison won't kill you even if it's shot directly into your bloodstream. But again, you will get quite sick.


The Golden Dart Frog can kill with its version of poison through just about any touch. It happens to be the most poisonous Dart Frog in the world, though. It would be the one to not even bother looking at.


Zoos keep these little guys in their own special cages. If animal experts won't touch them, neither should you. The color is beautiful, but that's your best warning.

5. Yellow Bellied Sea Snake


The Yellow Bellied Sea Snake is one of the most beautiful snakes in the world. However, it is as lethal as many. What makes this one stand out?


First of all, it's normally found in the sea, which is different from most snakes. It hunts at all times of the day, so you'll find it out and about a lot. They usually never attack humans unless you happen to get too close. Now, the coolest part of this snake is what it packs inside.


The poison is obviously lethal, but the way it can kill you is as horrible a way to go as possible. The venom is similar to that of Cobras, but more concentrated and more toxic. It's said that one drop of their venom can kill three grown men.


The toxin basically attacks your system like all other poisonous snakes' venom does. Yet, there is a twist. It attacks the respiratory system, and you can have an issue with paralysis. Worst of all, the venom attacks all the muscles, too. You can barely move, and you're in a ton of pain, as well. You wish you were dead. This part of it does not kick in for about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on size. However, it's one of the roughest ways to die imaginable. You will end up experiencing the aches and pains even with the antivenom in your system, no matter how quickly you get it in. It's just your body's way of responding to it.


CPR is essential to even be kept alive until you can get the antivenom injected. If you don't, a person can possibly fade out not only from the pain and shock of it all, but from the issues caused with the lungs. CPR also assists the heart, so the added benefit of keeping the heart and lungs active long enough for help to arrive is essential to keeping someone alive.


Some people have mentioned, even after they were saved from the venom of a sea snake, that they had severe muscle aches. Often, the pain was horrific. People complained about all of this for months afterward, too. OUCH!

6. Blue-Ringed Octopus


The Blue-Ringed Octopus is a gorgeous animal. The average sea diver that looks at these creatures is immediately attracted by the beauty. However, you'll be in trouble if you don't keep a safe distance.


I am not kidding when I say that the venom contains tetrodotoxin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, hyaluronidase, tyramine, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and dopamine.


You may recognize some of these from medications, like Dopamine. But inside this animal, the effects of all these combined can be vicious. There is no antivenom for this animal, but humans can survive it. How so?


The only way is by instant CPR. You will develop paralysis within 5 minutes. So, that's enough time to yell for help and tell someone to call 911. You can also tell them to deliver CPR. The average person dies from cardiac arrest or a lack of oxygen to the brain, causing suffocation. If CPR is performed immediately, you have a better chance.


You could also suffer permanent blindness or even permanent paralysis if help does not come soon.


As a rule, the most beautiful animals in the world are the ones you don't want to mess with. The Blue-Ringed Octopus makes that statement exponentially true.

7. Hooded Pitohui


One of the only poisonous birds in the animal kingdom, the Pitohui family of birds are, at times, lethal. The Hooded Pitohui typically gets the most press because it's not only seen more often, but its attacks have been reported more than other birds.


Scientists call it "The Flying Venom."


So, what poison does it use?


You read about the Poison Dart Frog earlier, and it's really the same thing. The HP has the exact same effect, as its skin and feathers are the poisonous part of it. The most horrible aspect is that the venom found on these birds is the most harmful venom known to mankind. Yeah, just when you thought it was fine to go outside, right?


A study was done on a mouse by injecting some of the HP's poison into it. Normally it takes a few minutes for poison to enter the animal, and then death will occur within a few minutes, on average. When they tested the HP venom, the mouse was dead within seconds, showing just how lethal it is.


Normally we won't be affected by this animal. Similar to the Poison Dart Frog, the poison has to hit the bloodstream. If it does not, though, a few side effects can still happen, such as numbness (usually where the poison was), tingling, or sneezing.


Paralysis and death can occur if the bird delivers a good portion of poison. Usually, it's rare that it gives out that much, though. Either way, it's a good idea to be careful if you go to Papua, New Guinea, the native area of this bird.

8. Death Stalker Scorpion


The Death Stalker Scorpion is kind of a fun name, right? It seems pretty nice.


If you're like the rest of the world and see that name, it sends instant fear. You'd be right to fear it, too. This creature isn't one to mess with, and it has a severe temper problem.


Many feel that this scorpion was the possible inspiration for the Scorpion character in Mortal Kombat. Many think it looks like a toy because of its beautiful yellow coloring. Therefore, it never really stands out as a big time threat to some children. This can result in a sting. The poison is lethal, as with many other scorpions. Here are same of the after effects of its sting.


Number one, their sting has been known to be incredibly painful. Many say it could be the worst of any sting or animal bite. Some have been known to go into shock as a result.


Also, the poison can cut off airways. It can kill you if the antivenom is not given soon. According to experts, it could take as little as a few hours. People have reported joint pain and severe headaches for a number of months after the sting.


You'll usually find this animal in Israel, but it has been found in other areas, too. This particular scorpion loves the sand, so be extra careful there.

9. Puffer Fish

Little is known about them, but the funny thing is that the Puffer Fish is more deadly after its death than during its life.

The fish is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. However, if it is not prepared correctly by removing the poison, then one can actually die. Usually, the poison that it delivers can cause your airways to shut, which can obviously be an issue.

Its poisons are Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin, both of which can be lethal. Tetrodoxin alone can cause rapid heart rate, muscle paralysis, a decrease in blood pressure, numbness, and tingling. Often, the puffer fish's symptoms can go away in a few hours or days, but medical treatment needs to be given soon.

During its life, the Puffer Fish is not really tough for humans to kill. But for other animals, it seems to carry a legend. Normally, even top tier predators like the shark stay away from it. Its barbs make it hard to fight and kill, and the fact that it expands can make the fish tough to eat. In the end, most animals just don't want the hassle. The fact that most know it carries poison could also be something to think about. We can't be the only smart species in the world, right?

All in all, this fish is not cool to mess with. Why people risk eating it is nuts. But hey, that's one guy's opinion, right?
10. Lanomia or "Assassin Caterpillar"

People may be wondering why I saved this little guy for last. Wait until you read about the Assassin Caterpillar. It can be almost impossible to even see this creature because it blends into its natural habitat so well. Therefore, humans can encounter it randomly.

People have known about the creature for some time, but only recently have they known that it was massively poisonous. So far, in the last 20 years it has caused hundreds of deaths.

In just the last few years, there have been around 300 known envenomings, many resulting in death or long term hospitalization. When Brazilian scientists found out about the creature, they quickly prepared the antivenom.

It causes "disseminated intravascular coagulation," which is a fancy way of saying that it makes you bleed and prevents clotting. The caterpillar will give you something called "bruised blood." It's just like being hit in the face or arm and getting a bruise. Your body will swell up due to the blood, among other things. You feel pain there for a while, you're tender, etc. However, imagine this happening to your inner biological makeup, your blood in particular. Your bruised blood cannot function well, causing severe issues.

The poison will also attack human cells. More specifically, it attacks protein cells, causing them to leak and preventing them from clotting. This virtually kills off the platelets.

Due to all of this, you start to bleed internally, which spreads throughout your organs. It will eventually cause compression and eventually brain death. You'll bleed externally, too, just to add more fun to the party.

All of this happens immediately when the poison enters your body. Normally, to do enough damage to kill it would have to sting you 20 to 100 times. The funny thing is that most people who run into these guys end up getting that without even realizing it.

Also, people do it in obvious ways such as stepping on it or putting your hand on a tree where it is hanging around.

Scientists were baffled as to what changed with this animal, since no well-known attacks happened for millennia. However, a large number of attacks have recently occurred in just the Brazilian area. Something has caused this caterpillar to realize its power, and it's quickly becoming one of the deadliest animals in the world.

Several studies continue to be done on the ecosystem in Brazil where these venomous creatures are located. But so far, nothing major has been figured out, at least nothing that we didn't already know.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

9 Smartphone Dengan Baterai Paling Tahan Lama

Tidak bisa dipungkiri selain fiturnya yang canggih dan multifungsi, pengguna smartphone banyak yang memilih smartphone yang memiliki kemampuan baterai yang tahan lama. Karena dengan baterai yang tahan lama, mereka bisa lebih leluasa untuk menggunakan smartphone untuk menelepon, browsing, chatting dan lain sebagainya. 

Banyak smartphone yang beredar saat ini, tetapi hanya beberapa saja yang memiliki kemampuan baterai tahan paling lama. Berikut 9 Smartphone dengan baterai paling tahan lama :

1- Lenovo P780. Smartphone ini memiliki baterai Li-ion 4000 mAh, Smartphone ini didukung oleh prosesor quad core Media Tek MT6589, berjalan menggunakan sistem operasi Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. Dengan RAM 1GB, kapasitas penyimpanan memori internal sebesar 8GB. Perangkat ini memiliki layar 5 inci dengan resolusi 1280 x 720 piksel dan kamera 1,3 megapiksel dengan fitur tambahan seperti Self Portrait Mirror. Smartphone ini memiliki konektivitas W-CDMA/GSM. 

2- Huawei Ascend D2. Smartphone yang dirilis di CES 2013. Perangkat ini menggunakan baterai 3000 mAh. Smartphone memiliki waktu stand by selama enam hari di jaringan WCDMA. Didukung oleh prosesor K3V2 1,5 GHz, Smartphone ini menggunakan sistem operasi Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Perangkat ini memiliki RAM 2GB dan dilengkapi dengan memori penyimpanan internal 32GB. Smartphone ini memiliki layar 5 inci dengan teknologi Full High Definition 1080p. Ia juga memiliki kamera belakang 13 megapiksel dan kamera depan 1,3 megapiksel. Smartphone ini memiliki konektivitas Wi-Fi dan 3G. Smartphone ini memiliki kelebihan tahan air dan debu. 

3- Nokia Lumia 920. Smartphone yang dirilis November tahun lalu ini memiliki baterai 2000mAh yang dapat digunakan selama 17 jam waktu bicara dan 400 jam (16 hari) waktu siaga. Prosesor Smartphone ini menggunakan dual core Krait Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus clock 1,5 GHz. Smartphone ini berjalan menggunakan sistem operasi Windows Phone 8 dan memiliki RAM 1024. Kapasitas penyimpanan memori internalnya adalah 32 GB. Layar handset dilengkapi dengan teknologi IPS dan LED, layarnya memiliki ukuran 4,5 inci dan resolusi 1280 x 768 piksel. Memiliki kamera belakang 8,7 megapiksel dan kamera depan 1,3 megapiksel dapat mengambil video dengan kualitas HD 720p. Untuk konektivitas smartphone ini memiliki GPRS, WLAN, EDGE, Bluetooth, NFC dan USB. 

4- Huawei Ascend Mate 6.1. Smartphone yang memiliki layar besar di CES 2013. Smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan baterai 4050 mAh yang dapat bertahan selama 9 hari atau setara dengan 216 jam. Spesifikasi Smartphone ini terdiri dari prosesor quad-core 1,5 GHz dan menggunakan sistem operasi Android 4.1 Jelly Bean dengan UI emosional. Memiliki RAM 2040 MB, dan kapasitas penyimpanan internal smartphone 16GB. Perangkat ini memiliki layar sentuh berukuran 6.1 inci dengan teknologi Super IPS dan LCD dengan resolusi 720 x 1280 piksel. Ada kamera 8 megapiksel di bagian belakang dengan LED dan autofocus dan kamera depan 1 megapiksel. Memiliki konektivitas Wi-Fi, HSDPA, A-GPS. 

5- iPhone Apple 5. Smartphone menggunakan kapasitas baterai 1440 mAh yang dapat bertahan selama 225 jam waktu siaga dan 8 jam waktu bicara. Smartphone generasi keenam memiliki layar sentuh dan merupakan penerus iPhone 4S. Apple iPhone 5 hadir dengan prosesor dual-core A6 1,3 GHz (diklaim dua kali lebih cepat dari A5), berjalan dengan sistem operasi terbaru iOS 6. Smartphone ini memiliki RAM 1016 MB dan kapasitas penyimpanan internal 16, 32 dan 64 GB. Multi layar sentuh kapasitif memiliki ukuran layar 4 inci dengan resolusi 640 x 1140 piksel dan teknologi LCD IPS. Di sisi belakang terdapat kamera 8 megapiksel dan di depan ada kamera 1,2 megapiksel. Memiliki fitur konektivitas GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, Bluetooth dan USB. 

6- Motorola RAZR MAXX. Smartphone yang diluncurkan sejak tahun 2012 ini memiliki baterai Li-Ion 3300 mAh. Smartphone ini dapat digunakan untuk menelepon selama 21 jam waktu bicara dan 15 hari waktu siaga. Smartphone ini berjalan dengan sistem operasi Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich dan didukung oleh prosesor dual core 1,5 GHz. Dikemas dengan RAM 1024 MB, Smartphone ini memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan internal 32 GB dengan dukungan microSD. Layar smartphone ini menggunakan AMOLED, memiliki layar super multi touch 4,3 inci dengan resolusi 540 x 960 piksel. Perangkat ini memiliki kamera 8 megapiksel dengan LED, autofokus dan panggilan video dengan kualitas HD 1080p dan kamera depan 1,3 megapiksel. Smartphone ini memiliki fitur GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, Bluetooth, NFC dan USB. 

7- Google Nexus 4. Smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan baterai 2100 mAh yang dapat bertahan selama 15 jam waktu bicara dan 390 jam (16,2 hari) waktu siaga. Smartphone ini menggunakan prosesor Kkrait 1,5GHz. Nexus 4 berjalan menggunakan sistem operasi Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Smartphone ini memiliki RAM 2048 MB. Kapasitas penyimpanan internalnya 8GB, hingga 16 GB saja. Smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan multi touch, teknologi layar kapasitif IPS berukuran 4,7 inci dengan resolusi 760 x 1280 piksel. Kamera belakang 8 megapixel dengan LED flash dan autofocus, dan kamera depan 1,3 megapiksel. Pengguna dapat menikmati GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, Bluetooth dan NFC bersama dengan konektivitas USB, sayangnya belum mendukung jaringan LTE.

8- Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Smartphone Android yang hanya bisa digenggam dengan tangan orang besar dan hanya bisa masuk di kantong besar memiliki fitur high-end. Smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan S Pen yang membantu Anda menyalin teks, gambar dan bahkan berbagi konten. Perangkat ini memiliki baterai Li-Ion 3100 mAh. Pengguna dapat bertahan selama 35 jam waktu bicara, 980 jam (40,8 hari) waktu stand-by-time, dan 16 jam waktu bicara pada jaringan 3G dengan 890 jam (37,1 hari) waktu siaga di jaringan 3G. Didukung oleh prosesor quad-core Exynos 1,6 GHz, Smartphone berjalan dengan sistem operasi Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Perangkat ini memiliki RAM 2048 MB dan kapasitas penyimpanan internal berbagai varian sebesar 16, 32 dan 64 GB. Layarnya menggunakan Super AMOLED 5,5 inci dengan kamera belakang 8 megapiksel dan kamera depan 1,9 megapiksel. Fitur konektivitas termasuk GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, Bluetooth, USB dan NFC. 

9- Lava Xolo B700. Smartphone besutan dari NCR berbasis Lava Internasional di India ini baru saja meluncurkan Xolo B700. Smartphone ini menggunakan baterai 3450 mAh dan dapat digunakan untuk menelepon selama 23 jam dan 380 jam waktu siaga. Smartphone dengan dual SIM ini dilengkapi dengan prosesor dual core 1 GHz dengan PowerVR SGX 531 GPU dan sistem operasi Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Dengan RAM 512 MB, memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan internal sebesar 4GB yang dapat diupgrade hingga 32GB melalui kartu microSD. Smartphone ini memiliki layar IPS berukuran 4,3 inci dengan resolusi 960 x 540 piksel, kamera belakang 5 megapiksel dan kamera depan 0,3 megapiksel. Memiliki fitur konektivitas Wi-Fi, Bluetooth dan 3G.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Binatang yang hidupnya hanya 3 jam

Palingenia Longicauda atau dikenali juga dengan nama Tisa’s Flower adalah sejenis spesies serangga purba. Spesies serangga ini dianggarkan hidup 200 juta yang lalu. Salah satu tempat kemunculan serangga ini adalah di Tisa River. Tisa River atau Sungai Tisa adalah salah satu tempat terakhir di mana setiap tahun serangga ini muncul dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Kemunculannya menjadi tontonan menarik, “wedding dance” di atas Sungai Tisa. Hanya beberapa hari di bulan Jun setiap tahun (mungkin juga tidak setiap tahun) Tisa’s Flower menetas, bersama pasangan dan mati. Hanya selama 3 jam segalanya akan berakhir, hidup yang sangat singkat. Serangga jenis ini tidak mempunyai mulut, mereka hidup hanya untuk bersama pasangan lalu mati. Hidup yang sangat singkat, tapi sangat indah Ini benar-benar pemandangan menarik yang susah untuk diceritakan hanya melalui gambar atau kata-kata. Sangatlah menarik untuk menyaksikan fenomena tersebut, yang merupakan salah satu fenomena terindah yang hanya berlangsung selama 5 hari saja di bulan Jun. Ribuan serangga ini terbang dengan semangatnya memenuhi seluruh sungai. Serangga Palingenia Longicauda ini merupakan salah seekor serangga “mayfly” yang terbesar di Eropah. Jenis serangga jantan panjangnya dapat mencapai 12 cm, dari kepala sampai ke ekor. Serangga ini berada pada masa larva selama 3 tahun. Selama 3 tahun tersebut, larva berada di dasar sungai. Tetapi masa hidupnya sangat singkat iaitu 3 jam saja. Bermula muncul membesar dewasa, berpasang-pasangan kemudian terus mati. Serangga ini mempunyai sayap yang unik, sayap mereka akan berganti kulit setelah mancapai fungsi utamanya. Fenomena tersebut dikenali dengan nama Tissa Blooming atau Pemekaran Tisa. Setelah membesar dewasa secara normal (setelah beberapa saat berganti kulit), serangga jantan hanya memiliki beberapa jam saja untuk bersama pasangan betina sebelum mereka mati. Setelah bersama, serangga betina terbang menyusuri sungai untuk memastikan telurnya sudah berada di dalam sungai dan jatuh ke dalam dasar sungai. Kemudian telur tersebut akan menjadi larva dalam waktu 45 hari dan akan menetas setelah 3 tahun. Serangga ini merupakan serangga yang sensitif. Jika berada di sungai, pastilah sungai tersebut merupakan sungai yang bersih. Disamping sebagai indicator lingkungan, serangga ini juga makanan yang bagus buat ikan, sehingga beberapa pemancing menggunakan serangga ini sebagai umpan pada pancing mereka. Pada masa ini serangga Palingenia longicauda sudah musnah di beberapa Negara Eropah dan hanya boleh ditemui di Serbia dan Hungari.storypricearea/Tulahan __._,_.___

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Unik!! Tumbuhan Paling Sukar Di Jumpai Di Dunia

Unik!! Tumbuhan Paling Sukar Di Jumpai Di Dunia | Walaupun bukanlah sejenis tumbuhan yang cantik pada pandangan mata, tapi tumbuhan dari Namibia ini sebenarnya tidak akan ditemui dimana-mana di dunia selain di Namibia. Ia dinamakan Welwitschia Mirabilis dan yang ada pada tumbuhan ini ialah dua helai daun, stem yang kukuh bersama akarnya. Dan dua helai daun yang dimilikinya akan terus membesar sehingga ia membentuk seolah-olah tumbuhan yang berasal dari tempat lain di dunia. Manakala stemnya pula akan menjadi lebih tebal dan bukannya semakin meninggi. Stem itu mampu membesar sehingga 2 meter tinggi dan 9 meter lebar. Usia tumbuhan ini pula sangat panjang iaitu sekitar 400 tahun sehingga 1500 tahun! Malah, tanpa sebarang turunan hujan, ia mampu hidup selama lima tahun. Apa yang lebih menarik, tumbuhan ini dikatakan sangat sedap sama ada dipanggang atas abu yang panas ataupun dimakan secara mentah. Dan kerana kelebihan itu jugalah, tumbuhan ini mendapat namanya yang lain iaitu ‘Onyanga’ yang bermaksud ‘Bawang di gurun’ P/S: Besar nya pokok nih, sukar ditemui pulak tuh, memang menarik!